Wednesday, February 23, 2011

library research paper

During the 1st month of our 2nd semester, our professor in English wants us to write a library research paper for our final examination, she said it to us as early as possible so we could have some preparation for it . At first I thought library research paper is like a thesis and yet it's an individual work, so I got a little nervous, but when the things are explained to us by our professor, things lighten up a bit. I seriously didn't mind writing all those paragraphs about my chosen topic which is "blogging" but sometimes I hate researching for something.

Days after our discussion about writing a library research paper, I am still curious or should I say confused on what to do, so now as I researched it through the net, I got this following information about writing a library research.  

Library research is research you do from books. Go to a library, get out a selection of books on your research topic and read the relevant chapters. Then you put all that info into a research document and cite your references. But off course our professor allowed us to use the internet for reference cause' some of our selected topics are not found on some simple library.

The following are the parts of a Library Research Paper :
  • Title page - should be capitalized, centralized and placed on the first line
  • Abstract - brief summary of the work itself.
  • Introduction - it contains the reasons why you chose that topic.
  • Literature Review - it shows the similar or the contradicting works to your topic.
  • Methodology - it presents the methods and materials used in your research.
  • Conclusion - points out the result or the outcome of the research
  • Bibliography - a list of the sources, which were used in the process of writing.

As you could see, the parts of a library research paper is a bit same with a thesis, they also have some number of similarities like you still have to be specific when it comes to your topic, and everything in your report must be related to each other, because every details mentioned in your report must have something to do with the topic you have chosen so that the readers won't be confused.

While the difference between a thesis and in an library research paper is that in thesis, you still have to conduct a survey and conclude something out of it while conducting a survey in library research paper depends on the author whether or not he wants people to interact with the outcome of his research.

I hoped that you have learned something from the things I shared to you today.  And I also do hoped that I could finish our library research paper on time so that I could avoid cramming too much during our examination week.

Happy researching. :)

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